A journey of a thousand miles begins with...
Thank you - Xièxiè - Do Ze - 谢谢
Our Story
Our grandfather, affectionately known as “gong gong” immigrated to San Francisco, California on January 27, 1967, with our grandmother “po po” and their 4 kids. His business savvy and his love of Chinese food inspired him to open up a restaurant in Petaluma and then in San Francisco Chinatown on the corner of Jackson + Hyde called Ho Mei Do. After successfully running his businesses, he retired and became a small business expert to help Chinese immigrant business owners in need.
Our gong gong, Wong Shek Chau transitioned May 1, 2018.
“ho mei do”
a Cantonese phrase that means delicious, and is commonly used to compliment how good food tastes.
For our family, everything revolves around food.
ho mei do is inspired by our late gong gong (1930 - 2018) who taught us to love our culture, family, and our cuisine.
We are Ashley Ga Lai Mui + Preston Ga Wah Mui.
We are siblings, children of immigrants, Chinese-Americans, native to San Francisco - outer avenues, foodies, re-learning Cantonese, and we deeply love our family.
We are creatives who are proud of who we are and grateful for where we come from.
Check out ashleymui.com and prestonmui.com to learn more about us.
Follow us on IG: @ashley_mui and @prestonmui
Our Team
We are humbled and honored to be working alongside ultra-talented Creatives from across the Asian diaspora and beyond (you know who you are!). We are grateful for their contributions, their genius, and for breathing life into our vision.
And they are hella fly!!